First Impression:
Yes, you can now make some extra cash by just unlocking your phone. Sounds crazy, but Locket does exactly that. By putting the ads right on the locked screen, companies can ensure that consumer will see their ads. As a consumer, we can either read more about the ads or explore more - either way, you will still get that extra cash.
Ads are also dynamic, from regular ads, to videos and even coupons - most importantly, all ads looks beautiful. Each ads pay $0.01 per unlock and you can cash out using your PayPal account ($10 minimum).
Test Drive:
Due to the fact that they will load some ads on your front screen, it will definitely consume a little bit more
battery. However, I do not notice a significant decrease in battery life. To enhance use, you may want to remove all screen lock feature as it will make it seems like an extra chore to unlock your phone. The lock screen is very fluent and does not slow up my phone.
One thing I do notice, ads does not necessarily cash out every time you unlock your phone - they limit you to earn $0.01 per swipe and up to $0.03 per hour. The app is still under Beta, so as more advertiser jump on board, this limit may change over time.
Locket has definitely changed how consumer view ads. This model will force users to view the ads as it not only benefit the brand, but also the consumer (as they also get paid). I love how the ads are simple pictures that you can explore more as an option (instead of something that may clogged up your phone). The app does not alter the performance of my phone and has been generating some small dollars on the side.
Locket is definitely something I would recommend, especially if you hate ads, as you are making some small cash without even knowing.
Check out Locket, a new Android app that pays you for unlocking your phone. Sign up here!
Editor Note (08/12/2013):
Just earned my first $10 from Locket. Money is transferred directly to my Paypal account within 3 business days. Overall I am happy.
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