You may not have heard but Apple introduced something called the iPad today. There are plenty of places for you to read about the not-shipping-for-two-months iPad, and I havent had my hand(s) on one yet, so rather than write about it myself Im just sending you a few links.
It certainly looks like an interesting device. Two things that jump out at me: Apple used its own chip to power the iPad-- they did not use an Intel chip, nor an AMD chip, nor any other kind of chip. Ive always liked apple chips, by the way, though I prefer banana.
The other thing that jumps out at me is the lack of a camera. I sort of think it ought to have one. So much for doing video chats with it.
I wonder if it can print. Ill try to find out.
UPDATE: here is the video of Steve Jobs introducing the iPad. 93 minutes.
UPDATE AGAIN: I should have included a link to John Grubers Daring Fireball website. Go there now and read everything he had to say about the iPad.
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